大家看看这里又没有珍品? 这个拍卖还有5天结束,现在是5纽币不包邮, 我估计15纽币能拿下(人民币大约80元),但是吃不准这些u有没有收藏价值。国内这些u大概值多少钱? 大家给个心理价,拜托了!!!
1x overdrive with heatsink
2x with heatsinks (unknown)
3x 486 DX
2x 486 DX2
1x Am486 DX2-80
1x Am486 DXL2-66
1x Am486 DX2-66
1x Am5x86 - P75
AMD - X5 - 133ADW
2x Am486 DX4 - 100
1x Unknown with heatsink (on side of h/sink says: AMD466DX2)
These are all unknown condition, they do look fine but? i havent tried them, just collected them and dont really need them, so selling as is, so really someone may get a really good deal they are all the smaller ones.
All pins seem to be sweet, theres only a couple of bent pins that i spotted on one of the CPUs, the rest of them look fine.
Thanks for looking, please see my other listings.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-2 20:51:34编辑过]
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