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    some 3dfx cards

    查看数: 12048| 回复数: 11| 2008-8-29 23:37

    up for sale or trade i have a Voodoo3 Prototype and some other cards

    you can make also offers like:
    i give you 25euro and my v2 prototype or something like this
    i give you my ...prototype and what 150euro extra
    or just money only
    cards can be prototypes or rare productions cars, like biostar v2 and Banshee

    the cards:
    a Voodoo3 AGP Prototype it is this card
    6NS SG-RAM
    125MHz clock

    a PowerColor Evilking
    working 12MB Voodoo2
    new logo on all Chips
    PCB date 0008
    no memory on backside, not even solder spots

    a 3dfx Voodoo3 3500TV PAL
    stable on 200MHz if i remember right
    incl a/v pod

    a Orchid Righteous 3D
    incl Manual (English) and 2CDs (driver-cd and a game)

    and some other voodoo graphics/ voodoo2
    Diamond, Creative, Guillemot. have no idear how rare this cards are in asia

    and now the tricky part, shipping
    i have to send one parcel to china in a month or so
    maybe i can send all the cards in one parcel and you share the costs

    if not
    a uninsured parcel costs 12,9euro
    a insured parcel 37euro

    发表评论 评论 (11 回复)

    笼包 2008-8-31 13:09



    那么Hercules显卡与Guillemot究竟有何关系呢? Hercules原本是一家面临经济困难的独立公司,1999年8月破产,10月Guillemot公司以区区150万美元购买了Hercules的剩余部分--包括破产后的大量债务。1999年11月Guillemot决定继续使用Hercules品牌。他们可能承认了Hercules作为图形业先驱的成就。这家相对古老的公司于1982年成立于圣弗朗西斯科附近的一个小镇上。在80年代它确立了单色显示器的标准,后来这一标准以其公司名称命名。90年代中期直至90年代末,Hercules专注于生产显卡--但从来没有一款突出的产品。这期间,Hercules试图努力将其与其它显卡生产商区分开来。对于某些芯片来说,这种策略是成功的,但其它芯片则受到了来自评测室和顾客的尖锐批评。该公司生产的显卡经常把芯片设定为指定规格以上,由于所谓的像素干扰而稳定性差,图像质量不佳。 (来自tom's hardware)

    [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-31 13:26:10编辑过]

    ssstjy 2008-8-31 13:26

    your v2 prototype?


    your meaning was you want to change some 3dfx card?

    or you want to use the V2 prototype to change other 3dfx card?

    [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-31 13:28:47编辑过]

    exxe 2008-8-31 13:45
    i have this cads and whant to sell or trade them

    v2 Prototype?

    ssstjy 2008-8-31 14:03

    can you send all the picture of want to sell or trade to here?

    hugo929 2008-8-31 15:38





    exxe 2008-8-31 16:07

    and again the link to the V3

    i give you 25euro and my v2 prototype

    this is just a sample, to explayn what i mean
    exxe 2008-9-6 14:39
    no one?

    ssstjy 2008-9-6 19:53

    Did you have V2 prototype?

    NV888 2008-9-11 08:41

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