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    查看数: 14105| 回复数: 13| 2004-8-1 00:10

    在plasma online上看到的,大家见到过没有?






    发表评论 评论 (13 回复)

    奭冥 2004-8-1 00:12



    itvsfans 2004-8-1 20:41
    XiongGQ 2004-8-2 10:14
    都是罕见的转接卡,我只有SOCKET 8 转SLOT 1的转接卡。
    zzc821014 2004-8-2 14:58
    yjwnhh 2004-8-2 18:48


    奭冥 2004-8-2 22:41
    ggggeo 2004-8-3 21:19
    奭冥 2004-9-30 21:33

    又去plasma online,找到以下一段话,大致把这件事说明白了:

    hardware fixes (Slot A to Socket converter) Socket A (Athlon TB) in Slot A (Athlon K7) Slot A to Socket A adapter were never released to the public due to problems with certain VIA based mainboards. At the time AMD changed it's processors back to a socketed version this adapter was made available to mainboard manufacturers to test current board designs to comply with the new CPU. During these tests problems were identified that lead to the point of not releasing the adapter to the public. Only tested OEM systems (containing preassembled mainboard, adapter and Socket A CPU) were sold. So you might find one of these rare systems containing Slot A adapters. The converter was only available for system integrators during migration phase of AMD processors.These were only intended for testing purposes during transition time. That's why you won't find boards with dual socket configurations as you do for intel Slot 1 / Socket 370. Possible solution: OEM only & system integrators only versions of AMD K7 CPUs exist that come in Slot A format but have internally a LIF (low insertion force) Socket A carrying a Socket A CPU. This is a K7 Thunderbird in a Slot A package. So you might find one of these rare systems containing Slot A adapters. During transition time AMD itself sold several Socket A CPU's packaged in Slot A (Thunderbird core / model 4). If you can get hold of one of these you've got what you want. These processors can be identified by their CPU ID: 6-4-1 and 6-4-2

    On top of the Slot case should be printed: "AMD-A650MTR51B C" and NOT "AMD-K7650MTR51B C"


    5号 2004-10-1 09:07
    以下是引用奭冥在2004-9-30 21:33:54的发言:

    又去plasma online,找到以下一段话,大致把这件事说明白了:

    hardware fixes (Slot A to Socket converter) Socket A (Athlon TB) in Slot A (Athlon K7) Slot A to Socket A adapter were never released to the public due to problems with certain VIA based mainboards. At the time AMD changed it's processors back to a socketed version this adapter was made available to mainboard manufacturers to test current board designs to comply with the new CPU. During these tests problems were identified that lead to the point of not releasing the adapter to the public. Only tested OEM systems (containing preassembled mainboard, adapter and Socket A CPU) were sold. So you might find one of these rare systems containing Slot A adapters. The converter was only available for system integrators during migration phase of AMD processors.These were only intended for testing purposes during transition time. That's why you won't find boards with dual socket configurations as you do for intel Slot 1 / Socket 370. Possible solution:OEM only & system integrators only versions of AMD K7 CPUs exist that come in Slot A format but have internally a LIF (low insertion force) Socket A carrying a Socket A CPU. This is a K7 Thunderbird in a Slot A package. So you might find one of these rare systems containing Slot A adapters. During transition time AMD itself sold several Socket A CPU's packaged in Slot A (Thunderbird core / model 4). If you can get hold of one of these you've got what you want. These processors can be identified by their CPU ID: 6-4-1 and 6-4-2

    On top of the Slot case should be printed: "AMD-A650MTR51B C" and NOT "AMD-K7650MTR51B C"


    我的英语水平啊......烂啊...... 我补! 我补! 我补补补! [em13]

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