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    硬件收藏论坛硬件收藏论坛The world rankings 全球排行榜 › 查看主题





    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9


    排行榜评选指南 Hardware collection ranking selection guide

    发表于 2018-11-5 11:00 | 只看该作者 | 倒序看帖 | 打印
        为推动硬件收藏事业的发展,加强圈内硬件收藏爱好者的相互了解与交流,由本站牵头开展全球及中国电脑硬件收藏100强排行榜的评选工作。     In order to promote the development of hardware collection business, strengthen the mutual understanding and exchange of hardware collectors in the circle, the site will lead the selection of the top 100 computer hardware collections:
    一、参选条件 Candidate conditions
        As long as it is a computer hardware collector or an individual with rare hardware, it is possible to enter the leaderboard.
    二、评选标准 Selection criteria
        See next page.
    三、评选数据来源 Selection data source
        1、藏家提供准确数据资料。Collectors provide accurate data.
        2、网上采集。Online collection.
        3、藏友爆料。Provided by friends.
    四、公布时间 Announcement time
        The rankings will be updated at the beginning of each month, and the first issue will be announced in January 2019.
    五、其他事项 Other
        As an attempt, as well as information asymmetry and other reasons, the shortcomings of this ranking are inevitable. Welcome to correct the hardware collection list, let us do better! Let our hardware collections no longer be lonely!



    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

    发表于 2018-11-5 11:08 | 只看该作者

    Comprehensive rankings 综合排行榜

    主要将以下六类汇总Total 6 categories:

    1、整机Computer(加权数量 Weighted average quantity 10)


    3、显卡Graphic card

    4、声卡Sound card


    6、其它有收藏价值的硬件Other collectible hardware



    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

    发表于 2018-11-5 11:25 | 只看该作者

    Classification rankings 分类排行榜

    主要分以下六类It is divided into the following six categories:



    3、显卡Graphic card

    4、声卡Sound card


    6、其它有收藏价值的硬件Other collectible hardware



    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

    发表于 2018-11-5 12:01 | 只看该作者
    Engineering sample rankings 工程样品排行榜

    硬件样品评分标准(板卡类)Hardware sample scoring criteria(board and cards

    1. 分级指数Rating index(50分/Score)

    1.1 芯片评估板Chip evaluation board

    1.1.1 早期Early version(50分/Score)

    1.1.2 中晚期Mid-late version(45分/Score)

    1.2 产品评估板/参考板Product evaluation board/ Reference board

    1.2.1 早期Early version(40分/Score)

    1.2.2 中晚期Mid-late version(35分/Score)

    1.3  产品测试板Product test board

    1.3.1 未量产Unproduced(30分/Score)

    1.3.2 试产ES run(25分/Score)

    1.3.3 正式产品Official product(20分/Score)

    1.4 演示板Demo board

    1.4.1 功能演示板Function demo(25分/Score)

    1.4.2 外观展示板Appearance show(20分/Score)

    1.5 开发板Development board(15分/Score)

    1.6 其他样品Other sample(10分/Score)

    2. 历史指数 History index(10分/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984年(10分/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989年(8分/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994年(6分/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999年(4分/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004年(2分/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数 Rare index(10分/Score)

    3.1 1个The only(10分/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 2个Within 2(5分/Score)

    3.3 3个Within 3(3分/Score)

    3.4 5个Within 5(2分/Score)

    3.5 9个Within 9(1分/Score)

    4. 机密指数Confidential index(10分/Score)

    4.1 最终产品未发布未发售The end product not released not on sale(10分/Score)

    4.2 最终产品已发布未发售The end product been released not on sale(5分 Score)

    5. 完美指数Perfect index(10分/Score)

    5.1 主芯片全 The main chip is complete(2分/Score)

    5.2 接口齐全The interface is complete(1分/Score)

    5.3 副卡Secondary card(1分/Score)

    5.4 子卡Daughter card(1分/Score)

    5.5 附件Accessory(1分 Score)

    5.6 品相佳Quality(1分/Score)

    5.7 造型优Beautiful(1分/Score)

    5.8 产品延续Product continuation(1分/Score)

    5.9 厂家健在Company continuation(1分/Score)

    6. 经典指数Classic index(10分/Score)

    6.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    6.1.1 ★★★★★★★(7分/Score)

    6.1.2 ★★★★★★(6分/Score)

    6.1.3 ★★★★★(5分/Score)

    6.1.4 ★★★★(4分/Score)

    6.1.5 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.1.6 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.1.7 ★(1分/Score)

    6.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity

    6.2.1 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.2.2 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.2.3 ★(1分/Score)

    硬件样品评分标准 (CPU类)Hardware sample scoring criteria(CPU)

    1. 分级指数Rating index(50分/Score)

    1.1 Mechanical Sample 机械样品)

    1.1.1 早期Early version(50分/Score)

    1.1.2 中晚期Mid-late version(35分/Score)

    1.2 Engineering Sample 工程样品 / Evaluation Sample评估样品

    1.2.1 早期Early version(45分/Score)

    1.2.2 中晚期Mid-late version(40分/Score)

    1.3  Qualification Sample 品质验证样品/Thermal Samples

    1.3.1 未量产Unproduced(35分/Score)

    1.3.2 预发布Pre-Product(30分/Score)

    1.3.3 正式产品Official product(25分/Score)

    1.4  客户样品Customer Sample/Marketing Sample

    1.4.1 功能演示Function demo(25分/Score)

    1.4.2 外观展示Appearance show(20分/Score)

    1.5 其他样品Other sample(15分/Score)

    2. 历史指数 History index(10分/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984年(10分/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989年(8分/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994年(6分/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999年(4分/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004年(2分/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数 Rare index(10分/Score)

    3.1  1个The only(10分/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 2个Within 2(5分/Score)

    3.3 3个Within 3(3分/Score)

    3.4 5个Within 5(2分/Score)

    3.5 9个Within 9(1分/Score)

    4. 机密指数Confidential index(10分/Score)

    4.1 最终产品未发布未发售The end product not released not on sale(10分/Score)

    4.2 最终产品已发布未发售The end product been released not on sale(5分/Score)

    5. 完美指数Perfect index(10分/Score)

    5.1  金顶Gold top(2分/Score)

    5.2  金脚gold foot(2分/Score)

    5.3  金底Gold bottom(2分/Score)

    5.4 品相佳Quality(2分/Score)

    5.5 厂家健在Company continuation(2分/Score)

    6. 经典指数Classic index(10分/Score)

    6.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    6.1.1 ★★★★★★★(7分/Score)

    6.1.2 ★★★★★★(6分/Score)

    6.1.3 ★★★★★(5分/Score)

    6.1.4 ★★★★(4分/Score)

    6.1.5 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.1.6 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.1.7 ★(1分/Score)

    6.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity

    6.2.1 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.2.2 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.2.3 ★(1分/Score)

    硬件样品评分标准 (其他类)Hardware sample scoring criteria(Other)

    1. 分级指数Rating index(50分/Score)

    1.1 工程样品Engineering Sample/ 评估样品Evaluation Sample

    1.1.1 早期Early version(50分/Score)

    1.1.2 中晚期Mid-late version(45分/Score)

    1.2品质验证样品Qualification Sample

    1.2.1 未量产Unproduced(40分/Score)

    1.2.2 预发布Pre-Product(35分/Score)

    1.2.3 正式产品Official product(30分/Score)

    1.3客户样品Customer Sample

    1.3.1 功能演示Function demo(30分/Score)

    1.3.2 外观展示Appearance show(25分/Score)

    1.4其他样品Other sample(20分/Score)

    2. 历史指数 History index(10分/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984年(10分/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989年(8分/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994年(6分/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999年(4分/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004年(2分/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数 Rare index(10分/Score)

    3.1  1个The only(10分/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 2个Within 2(5分/Score)

    3.3 3个Within 3(3分/Score)

    3.4 5个Within 5(2分/Score)

    3.5 9个Within 9(1分/Score)

    4. 机密指数Confidential index(10分/Score)

    4.1 最终产品未发布未发售The end product not released not on sale(10分/Score)

    4.2 最终产品已发布未发售The end product been released not on sale(5分/Score)

    5. 完美指数Perfect index(10分/Score)

    5.1 造型优Beautiful(3分/Score)

    5.2 品相佳Quality(3分/Score)

    5.3 厂家健在Company continuation(4分/Score)

    6. 经典指数Classic index(10分/Score)

    6.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    6.1.1 ★★★★★★★(7分/Score)

    6.1.2 ★★★★★★(6分/Score)

    6.1.3 ★★★★★(5分/Score)

    6.1.4 ★★★★(4分/Score)

    6.1.5 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.1.6 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.1.7 ★(1分/Score)

    6.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity

    6.2.1 ★★★(3分/Score)

    6.2.2 ★★(2分/Score)

    6.2.3 ★(1分/Score)


    1.同分数样品根据评分标准的各大指数,依次逐项对比,先出现低分者次之。 The same scores are based on the major indexes of the scoring standards, which are followed by item by item, followed by low scores.

    2.同一型号的样品以分级指数的级别入榜,同级样品只入一次榜。在此名次下并列稍有差异的同级样品,排名先后按PCB日期、芯片日期及评分分数列入综合考虑。Samples of the same model are listed at the level of the graded index, and the same level samples are only included in the list. In this ranking, the same level samples with a slight difference are listed in the order of PCB date, chip date and score.



    Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

    发表于 2018-11-5 12:09 | 只看该作者
    Official product rankings 正式产品排行榜

    硬件评分标准(板卡类)Hardware scoring criteriaboard and cards

    1. 经典指数Classic index(30/Score)

    1.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    1.1.1 ★★★★★★★★★★(10/Score)

    1.1.2 ★★★★★★★★★(9/Score)

    1.1.3 ★★★★★★★★(8/Score)

    1.1.4 ★★★★★★★(7/Score)

    1.1.5 ★★★★★★(6/Score)

    1.1.6 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.1.7 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.1.8 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.1.9 ★★(2/Score)

    1.1.10 ★(1/Score)

    1.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity(5分/Score)

    1.2.1 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.2.2 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.2.3 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.2.4 ★★(2/Score)

    1.2.5 ★(1/Score)

    1.3 产品性能Product performance(1-10 分/Score)

    1.4 产品定位Product prientation(1-5 /Score)

    1.4.1 专业(5 分/Score)

    1.4.2 商业(2 分/Score)

    1.4.3 民用(0 分/Score)

    2. 历史指数History index(15/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984(15/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989(12/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994(9/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999(7/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004(5/Score)

    2.5 2005—2009(3/Score)

    2.5 2010—2014(1/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数Rare index(15/Score)

    3.1 1The only(15/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 5Within 5(10/Score)

    3.3 10Within 10(5/Score)

    3.4 50Within 50(3/Score)

    3.5 100Within 100(1/Score)

    4. 完美指数Perfect index(40/Score)

    4.1 盒子Box (10/5/0 /Score)

    4.2 芯片Chip (3/1/0 /Score)

    4.3 接口Interface (3/1/0 分/Score)

    4.4 副卡Secondary card (3/0 /Score)

    4.5 子卡Daughter card (3/0 /Score)

    4.6 品相佳Quality (3/2/1/0 /Score)

    4.7 造型优Beautiful (3/1/0 /Score)

    4.8 做工好Workmanship(3/1/0 /Score)

    4.9 用料足Material (3/1/0 分/Score)
    4.10产品延续Product continuation(3/0 分/Score)

    4.11厂家健在Company continuation(3/0 分/Score)

    硬件评分标准(CPU类)Hardware scoring criteria(CPU

    1. 经典指数Classic index(30/Score)

    1.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    1.1.1 ★★★★★★★★★★(10/Score)

    1.1.2 ★★★★★★★★★(9/Score)

    1.1.3 ★★★★★★★★(8/Score)

    1.1.4 ★★★★★★★(7/Score)

    1.1.5 ★★★★★★(6/Score)

    1.1.6 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.1.7 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.1.8 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.1.9 ★★(2/Score)

    1.1.10 ★(1/Score)

    1.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity(5分/Score)

    1.2.1 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.2.2 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.2.3 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.2.4 ★★(2/Score)

    1.2.5 ★(1/Score)

    1.3 产品性能Product performance(1-10 分/Score)

    1.4 产品定位Product prientation(5分/Score)

    1.4.1 军品(5 /Score)



    2. 历史指数History index(15/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984(15/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989(12/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994(9/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999(7/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004(5/Score)

    2.5 2005—2009(3/Score)

    2.5 2010—2014(1/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数Rare index(15/Score)

    3.1 1The only(15/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 5Within 5(10/Score)

    3.3 10Within 10(5/Score)

    3.4 50Within 50(3/Score)

    3.5 100Within 100(1/Score)

    4. 完美指数Perfect index(40/Score)

    4.1 盒子Box (10/5/0 /Score)

    4.2  金顶Gold top(4分/Score)

    4.3  金脚gold foot(4分/Score)

    4.4  金底Gold bottom(4分/Score)

    4.5  金线/金纹/金字Gold mark(4分/Score)

    4.6  白陶(4分/Score)

    4.7 品相佳Quality (4/2/0 /Score)

    4.8产品延续Product continuation(3/0 分/Score)

    4.9厂家健在Company continuation(3/0 分/Score)

    硬件评分标准(其他类)Hardware scoring criteriaOther

    1. 经典指数Classic index(30/Score)

    1.1 产品知名度Product popularity

    1.1.1 ★★★★★★★★★★(10/Score)

    1.1.2 ★★★★★★★★★(9/Score)

    1.1.3 ★★★★★★★★(8/Score)

    1.1.4 ★★★★★★★(7/Score)

    1.1.5 ★★★★★★(6/Score)

    1.1.6 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.1.7 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.1.8 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.1.9 ★★(2/Score)

    1.1.10 ★(1/Score)

    1.2 厂家知名度Factory popularity(5分/Score)

    1.2.1 ★★★★★(5/Score)

    1.2.2 ★★★★(4/Score)

    1.2.3 ★★★(3/Score)

    1.2.4 ★★(2/Score)

    1.2.5 ★(1/Score)

    1.3 产品性能Product performance(1-10 分/Score)

    1.4 产品定位Product prientation(1-5 /Score)

    1.4.1 专业(5 分/Score)

    1.4.2 商业(2 分/Score)

    1.4.3 民用(0 分/Score)

    2. 历史指数History index(15/Score)

    2.1 1980—1984(15/Score)

    2.2 1985—1989(12/Score)

    2.3 1990—1994(9/Score)

    2.4 1995—1999(7/Score)

    2.5 2000—2004(5/Score)

    2.5 2005—2009(3/Score)

    2.5 2010—2014(1/Score)

    3. 珍稀指数Rare index(15/Score)

    3.1 1The only(15/Score) (含多个为同一人所有 All in one person)

    3.2 5Within 5(10/Score)

    3.3 10Within 10(5/Score)

    3.4 50Within 50(3/Score)

    3.5 100Within 100(1/Score)

    4. 完美指数Perfect index(40/Score)

    4.1 盒子Box (10/5/0 /Score)

    4.2 品相佳Quality (5/3/0 /Score)

    4.3 造型优Beautiful (5/3/0 /Score)

    4.4 做工好Workmanship(5/3/0 /Score)

    4.5 用料足Material (5/3/0 分/Score)
    4.6 产品延续Product continuation(5/0 分/Score)

    4.7 厂家健在Company continuation(5/0 分/Score)


    1.同分数硬件根据评分标准的各大指数,依次逐项对比,先出现低分者次之。The scores of the hardware according to the scores of the major indexes are sequentially compared item by item, followed by the low scores.

    2.同一型号的硬件以分级指数的级别入榜,同级样品只入一次榜。在此名次下并列稍有差异的同级样品,排名先后按PCB日期、芯片日期及评分分数列入综合考虑。The hardware of the same model is listed at the level of the grading index, and the samples of the same level are only included in the list. In this ranking, the same level samples with a slight difference are listed in the order of PCB date, chip date and score.



    Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6Rank: 6

    发表于 2019-1-19 15:30 | 只看该作者
    我只想说老大威武 这论坛还在运行。。。6666


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